The toe hitch works when used properly- on a table. It is not the first
method of pressure used, the ear pinch would be. Pressure is started after the
dog is taught how to escape the pressure. Pressure is not applied for them
to secretively have to figure it out. Look at force fetch table designs, the
dog is restrained. FF is not primarily to teach them to retrieve and deliver
to hand, any monkey can condition a dog to that especially one with adequate
drive. FF is to teach the dog to deal and work through various types of
pressure. Which will make field work successful. If you are wanting a VERY
basic meat dog then you can cookie bone the FF. If you want an accomplished
retriever in the field weither it be in competition or in the blind then seek
professional guidance and get the force fetch done correctly. A successful FF
program is about 6-8 weeks of Hold on the table, walking hold, FF on the
table, FF on the ground, aggravated FF and stick fetch. When the force fetch
cannot be broken you have done well.
To answer the original question. Tie a knot at the end of parachute cord,
do not use a very small sting as this will cut the toes. Loop the cord around
the leg above the ankle and tuck knot under the loops. The knot will help
it hang and stay put. With the remanding string twist slightly to for loop
with the free end toward the dog. Place the loop around the two middle toes.
The cord should not come off the toes as you should release pressure with the
smallest amount of effort, but do not let go. Very little movement on your
part the better. At first do not wait for the dog to complete the task to
release the pressure when, but be ready to continue pressure if he does not
follow through. When you say fetch give the dog 1-2 seconds before applying
pressure (do not say fetch again). You are giving him a window to jump into for
success. Again this about teaching pressure! When we get cookie bone dogs
in training they cannot accept corrections in the field without bolting,
returning to the handler or hiding. This is unacceptable behavior and the force
fetch has to be redone, even 2-3 year old dogs can be taught with a do-over.
Good luck and if you need to buy a toe hitch we have some with leather
handles for sale.
Kelli Corcoran _www.heritage-kennels.com_ (